Am I abnormal because I enjoy the bloodier, chunkier side of life? I think not.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Published on May 6, 2009 By Fractallicon In Demigod Strategies

Just played a truly awesome game with a TB and QoT as my partners versus Regulus, Oak and Erebus on Cataract. Early on it was rather close, with each side pushing the other back from flags and reclaiming them in turn, and each side scoring a kill or two in the first 5 minutes.

In the mid-game, from a purely combat point of view...they were hammering us. I died twice- once due to "target fixation", and another time to a fantastic Bite-Penitence-Snipe Alpha strike  that killed me right there. From there, it was a slow grind as they worked our center towers down and started ping-ponging between our left and right portals, pushing past the towers to capture them. THIS is where the Erebus player (sleepingbuddha? Hope I spelled that right) was particularly annoing. He could come in, capture a portal with Oak backing him up, and then just go Mist on the flag when we came to retake it. Really frustrating!

I actually thought we were gonna lose the game at that point. We couldn't kill them off, and they were coming perilously close to taking over our portals permanently. I decided to stop trying to take them on and instead pushed up the left lane, taking down the tower next to their gold mine, capturing that flag and then rushing in to capture their portal while my teammates did a STUNNING job of harassing them, scoring the odd kill, and keeping them from locking down the 3 flags in the middle of the map. I was killed on my way out, but it loosed a wave of Creeps, with Angels and Catapults, before they were able to recapture it.

Then, the really good work on our part came into play.

According to the endgame stats panel, they outscored us on kills and gold, BUT...I think they made a fatal mistake. They must have blown tons of cash on items and artifacts, because I was able to save up and buy Angels, Catas and Giants for my team. I don't think I ever saw Angels from their side, so they must have gone overboard on Arties. By the time they saw the troops coming out of our portals, they weren't able to come up with the cash to counter us and we slowly ground them down and won the game.

Amazing comeback, tight game, and just plain fun. Gawd I love Demigod.

on May 06, 2009

I had a pretty similar game, they got giants before us and pushed us back, then we got giants but they were too deep in our base, our citadel came as close as 25% hp , i was harrasing enemy demigods so they dont enter the base and capturing the outside flags and then out of nowhere our giants drove the enemy giants back the enemys didnt increase atack and defense of creeps, as our giants drove them back i upgraded the defence and atack of our giants a little more, after that we took enemy portal flags and it was over, they amnage tod efend and drove some lanes of giants back even recapture 1 of thier portal flags every now and then but even so we maanged map control and won after some time.

on May 06, 2009

Out of curiousity (and I may have just missed it), who were you playing as?

on May 06, 2009

Out of curiousity (and I may have just missed it), who were you playing as?

You'd think I would have mentionned that.

I was playing as the Unclean Beast. I play about 90% of my games as UB.


on May 06, 2009

If the enemy gets giants a smart team will sell their items to get them aswell, because they are humped, if they don't and the artifacts won't help em anyway.

on May 07, 2009

Awesome!! Atm I am limited to 2 vs 2 games due to my connection but am upgrading my connection to a faster speed tommorow. I've had some great games too, but 2 vs 2 games are not nearly as epic as 3 vs 3 and larger games im sure.

Demigod is indeed a very good game and I hope it succeeds at being the next popular tournament game. It is definitely one of the funnest and most unique games I have ever played.

on May 07, 2009

nice game not gonna lie unfortunatly i dont have these epic games because every custom game i host, i stomp people so hard epic games are gone till tommorow. Hopefully the pantheon is gonna be awesome

on May 07, 2009

I was just in a game 3v3 on cataract, Erebus, Oak, Regulus vs. Sedna (me), QoT, and Erebus.

Our erebus left a few seconds into the game, and the other team was racking up the free kills on the comp. Towards the end of the match I recall looking at the scoreboard and seeing him at 15 death with 0 kills. Basicly it was 2v3 with the additional handicap of the extra gold and xp to whoever got the kill on the AI.

Our opponenets didn't suck (actually the regulus wasn't too good lol), so we were all around level 14 while the other team was 2-4 levels ahead and with their choice of artifact items to win any 1v1. They had the entire field of flags, except for our 1 portal flag in the corner. We had only a few towers left, and one last push could have easily gotten us.

Well, it turns out they totally neglected creep upgrades, but we saved up our gold and poured 10k each into upgrading straight to giants. My friend charges up the right side and caps their portal, while I take back our second one as they run back to base to defend.

I teleport to my friend, lock the flag, go around the front to cap the valor flag as the first two waves come simultaniously into the front of their base. I go aroundthe front again and get killed 1v2 trying to cap their last portal just in time to see their citadel lose its last bits of health.

We said gg, but didn't hear a word from them as the game ended lol.