Am I abnormal because I enjoy the bloodier, chunkier side of life? I think not.
Log contents included in post.
Published on May 3, 2009 By Fractallicon In Demigod Technical Support

Since I have no idea where to send this...I'm posting it to the forums for some savvy tech person from Stardock to take a gander at. If this should be handled differently, please do feel free to let me know! This crash occurred as I was tryong to connec to other players in a Custom game today.



EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x7c911760
    attempted to read memory at 0x5f0cc483

Program : C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments :

 RtlInitializeCriticalSection + 355 bytes ((Unknown)(0) + 0 bytes)

Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 33434[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from Lokide1977[33434]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 34120[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from Velocitas[34120]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 40852[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from DaJBomb[40852]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 22883[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from cyrixd[22883]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 28123[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from Doomgrass[28123]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnIsConnected
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 40852[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnAttemptNATConnect
info: Nat connection requested from DaJBomb[40852]
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATFailed
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnPlayerDataUpdated
info: MUSIC : Activating cue [Main_Menu]
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::QuitGame()
info: CVP::HandlePlayerDataUpdated

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